Saturday, 29 January 2022

Exactly where I am meant to be.

It seems that occasionally in life you will find yourself doing exactly what you want to do. It might come after a long period of hard work without reward, only to be happening kind of randomly and in a way that has nothing to do with your hard work. It might be fleeting. In fact, it will almost always be fleeting. It will feel like a dream, a dream that you are trying to remember all the details of, a dream that will revisit you in the future and make you ask "gosh, did that really happen?"

The best piece of advice I ever got about acting was that every job you ever do is the most important job you will ever do. I have come to believe that is true. Mostly because each job can be short and after a long time of absolutely nothing. But also because it is so precious, even as the smallest parts, the lowest pay, the smallest productions. 

I am so lucky. When I stand on a stage, or in front of a camera, all I can think is "God, this is it. This is exactly what I am meant to be doing." And it is wonderful, and it is like a dream, and I hope I can keep doing it for a long time to come in any form or shape that it might take. 

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