Resilience is the word of the day (well, in my head it is). Resilient being to 'withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions'. Resilience need not always be necessary, and it can sometimes find its way into areas of toxic positivity, but, for the most part, it is good to be resilient. Not least because, at the end of the day, you're going to have to pick yourself up and brush it off in order to carry on, whatever "it" might be. The world doesn't stop and you have to keep going.
You have to keep going for what you want after two rejection emails on the Monday, and then one on a Friday evening when you're out for drinks with friends. You have to have a little cry, acknowledge that it's all a bit shit and a bit sad, and move on. Tomorrow is another day, etc, etc.
Resilience is trying again. And again. And again. And again. It is getting back up despite that very overwhelming feeling that it might just be safer and better to get into your bed, pull the cover over your head, and pretend its all gone away. Resilience is finding new paths, inventing new ways, moving forward through whatever horrible obstacle is in the way. Resilience is 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'. "We can't go over it, we can't go under it, we have to go through it!"
And you will almost always find that having made it all the way through to the other end, that some other obstacle is there, or some other challenge, or some other thing you must be resilient to. Because the world doesn't stop and you have to keep going. You have to get up, eat your breakfast, and exist through each day. Slowly, calmly, softly, madly, going through each day.
Resilience is a gift, and it is the randomness of life, and it is the only way forward. Wherever forward may be.
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